About MARA

The name MARA has many meanings. In Belarusian it is dream, in Gaelic sea, in Hebrew it means bitter, in Igbo (Nigeria) beautiful, in Maltese and Syrian it translates as woman. Depending on how you view MARA, different aspects become apparent.

MARA is changeable and can unify several aspects

MARA is not fixed and should not be defined

MARA is non-judgemental and independent

MARA is also the name of chameleon - changeable, and combining more shades simultaneously. These aspects symbolize the idea of life, where similarities as well as differences have a place, and where change is possible. This can be perceived by taking on a mindful attitude, where the focus is on ex­pe­riencing the present moment, respecting it as a constantly changing part of life.

Find more information about our comprehension of mindfulness at Nonprofit MARA

Who is behind MARA?

Many people make up MARA. Strictly speaking, these are all people who have made a contribution so we got where we are today. These are, for instance, relatives, friends, teachers, respectively. But it also includes people whom we got to know indirectly through their work, such as writers or radio announcers.

We now would like to present a few persons, who currently do most of the work for MARA.
Maga Ingrid Otepka
founder, chairwoman
project manager
educator for
mindfulness as taught by Jon Kabat-Zinn,
German as a second language,
alphabetization, Russian, French, Music
”If we have the courage to understand the root cause of problems,
then we are able to lay the foundation for lasting changes“
DI Bernhard Otepka
founder, treasurer
”I know mindfulness exercises from hands-on experience.
A lot has changed for me and one needs to stay on it!
To make this tool available to as many people as possible,
that’s why I want to support it wholeheartedly“
Mag. Jakob Brunner
free spirit & creative
social entrepreneur
teacher & student
event manager
”To be grateful for life and to share this joy“
DI Rosa Valentina Martino
graphic designer
and all that lies in-between
”A curiosity for movement leads me to investigate the dynamics between dance,
imagination and space, in order to mobilize our most inner resources
and the infinite potential of human existence. In this way we can
reconnect with ourselves and the world“
Maga Elisabeth Seirl
educator and (life) artist
philosophy, creative expression, and ritual
“I love creating spaces in which lifeworld phenomena can be explored on multiple levels,
for example at the interfaces between art, psychology, philosophy and theatre.
Through playful and intellectual approaches, I would like to cultivate
diverse forms of expression together with other people”